Established in 1989 by David Frame, our five strong creative team works across a wide range of sectors and disciplines, designing brand and marketing material for all sizes of companies – from start-ups through to national and global organisations.
Digital technology has been combined with our fundamental design skills from the outset and this continues today.
One thing that runs through this ever-changing landscape is a clear creative approach to all our projects. This ensures that we produce fresh and original designs for screen, print and web, together with innovative, muscular strategies for brand development and implementation.

01 about us

We specialise in brand identity and all associated material required as part of the essential visual reinforcement of your company’s image, products, services and ethos. We are a small team, but producing a mighty catalogue of work over just as mighty a range of media, material and sectors.

03 Experience
Our success lies with our ability to blend creative talent with practical skills, which solve business problems.
We believe that a brand is your greatest asset. It should flow effortlessly though all your visual material and into the way your people think and communicate.
One small step. We can fix what you already have – or take a giant leap for your identity. Or even a sideways skip.
Building relationships are important to us. Call us old-fashioned, but we do like sticking together and working things out.
Our brand work is everywhere – inside, outside, on poles, on paper, on walls, on floors, on furniture, on kiosks, on vehicles, on screen, online, in lights and on stage, on trend, on record, on lots ‘o hings, but mainly on budget and on time.
We are full of them. We have more ideas than a bumper box of ideas,
three for two, buy one get one free.
No idea?
If you've run out of ideas,
we're here to switch on the light, change the batteries, ice the cake.
With a cherry on top.
04 ART gallery

Email us or contact us at the address below and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements. We look forward to hearing from you.
Frame Creative design & marketing studio
28 North West Circus Place Edinburgh EH3 6TP
T 07902 307147
Doubtfire Gallery
T 07902 307147